I can help you to overcome emotional imbalances to resolve your problems
Call: 01661 824 537 or
Email: george@mindaid.co.uk

Equality and Diversity Statement


Mindaid will ensure that all client interactions and provision of all services under Mindaid will not;


        directly discriminate

        indirectly discriminate

        victimise or harass


All the business actions of Mindaid will be underpinned by European and UK employment law.

Mindaid will ensure it’s commitment to;


The Race Relations Act (1976)

The Race Relations Amendment Regulations (2003) SI2003/1626

The Race Directive (2000/43/EC)

Sex Discrimination Act (1975)

The Equal Pay Act (1970)

Equal Treatment Directive (76/207/EC)

The Disability Discrimination Act (1995)

Employment Equality (Age) Regulations (2006)

The European Equal Treatment Framework Directive (2000/78/EC)

Human Rights Act (1998) introduced 2000


If you have any issues you would like to raise regarding our intent on Human rights, Equality and Diversity or require any further information then please contact Mindaid.